Which foods or ingredients take the No.1 spot on the list of the best cancer-fighting foods is debatable, and combining all the nutrients that make their way onto that list is probably the smartest idea. Still, many experts agree that eating oily fish on a regular basis offers significant help in the combat against cancer cells and in most cases doesn’t interfere...
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Anyone who decides that fatty foods in general are evil and/or sugary foods in general are evil is making a big mistake. In fact, fatty foods and sugary foods are essential to a good diet. What’s essential, though, is that people choose foods that health experts regard as good fats and good sugars instead of bad fats and bad sugars. What do the numbers say The...
Everyone is guilty of it, throwing your food into the microwave to save time and effort of getting out the pots and pans to get dinner on the table. The real question is, what does microwaving do to your food. There are a few different things you should think about when microwaving that may or may not get you to turn away or embrace this modern technological miracle. What...
But it tastes like chicken! Jokes aside, it appears that Subway’s restaurant chain is trying to steal from us, chicken meat lovers. Namely, there has been a DNA research carried out on a number of popular chain restaurants in Canada recently, and some of the results aren’t exactly to our taste. As ifuckinglikescience.com reposts, the investigation was conducted...
We all know that there is a direct connection between dieting/exercising and weight loss. However, in recent years fad diets have become fairly popular, without any proof of their efficiency. Even nutritionists warn about the dangers of fad diets, so in that name – here are 5 most compelling reasons why they are an utter nonsense. 1. Fad Diets Are Unhealthy Certain...
We all know that if we want to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure, we must regularly control our cholesterol levels. However, many people tend to brag about how they “watch their cholesterol” without even knowing what cholesterol is and what it does to our bodies. Let’s change that, shall we? Cholesterol 101 Cholesterol takes the form of a waxy substance...
Although experts have been linking red meat to physical health risks since, well the dawn of time, now it seems they have changed their tune quite a bit. Yes, it appears that people who eat red meat on a weekly basis are a lot happier that those who don’t. The team of Australian experts made the link between red meat and lower risk of depression after a thorough...
When we talk about heath and cooking, we usually start thinking about which foods are bad for us. While this is an ever-so-relevant matter, we are here today to talk about the “hidden” dangers of your kitchen – toxic kitchen products. So many of these overlooked kitchen hazards we use on a daily basis. We use them to cook, bake, and store our favorite meals,...