10 Healthiest Foods Mother Nature Gave Us

December 9, 2019


In the world of processed food and little time to prepare our meals from scratch at home it doesn’t hurt to review the list of the healthiest natural foods that are available and should be consumed as often as possible. Today we present a list of 10 healthiest foods mother nature gave us and intended for us to eat instead of fast, salty, and sugary foods many of us eat so often.

1. Fish

Wild fish is getting harder and harder to find, but one of the main reasons why it’s one of the healthiest foods around is because it is full of healthy protein and doesn’t feed on chemical fertilizers, like other sources of food, such as cattle.

Its foods come from water rich in minerals, making it even healthier thanks to the abundance of iodine.

In particular, saltwater fish, such as Alaskan salmon and wild-caught sardines, top the list of some of the healthiest sorts of fish.

You might be surprised to see that sardines fall into this category, but the smaller the type of fish, the less time it spends in the water that might be more or less polluted.

There are also farmed fish that are healthy and raised without any risk to your health or to the environment. On the other hand, there are farms that feed the fish the types of food that are likely to be genetically modified so do your research extensively to know what you’re purchasing and eating.


2. Mushrooms

You might potentially be surprised to see mushrooms on the list of the healthiest foods in the world, but the truth is mushrooms are worthy of a spot because mother nature intended for them to grow in rich organic matter without any pesticides, which if used would kill the spores that develop into mushrooms.

Mushrooms are very rich in iron and protein, and have recently proven to be very useful in modern medicine in the fight against breast cancer.

One of the most obvious reasons why most people don’t associate mushrooms with uber healthy foods is the fact that many commercial mushroom farmers use insecticides (not pesticides, but still very unhealthy) when harvesting mushrooms, knocking them right off the list of healthy foods.

U.S. Department of Agriculture has found 14 types of insecticides in mushroom crops, so by all means you should be buying organic mushrooms.


3. Kelp

Sticking with seafood, we have kelp, a large seaweed that belongs to the brown algae family. Kelp is one of the best sources of potassium, iodine, protein, and magnesium because it’s not just a vegetable.

It’s a water vegetable, which makes it much richer in vitamins and minerals than land vegetables, and one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Kelp is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but keep in mind that kelp grown in water near industrial plants is probably polluted.

Kelp can be harvested in a way as to not threaten the environment and still be healthy, while some farmers add fertilizers and GMOs to their kelp, so be careful and well informed. Sticking to locally raised kelp is usually the safest idea, while it should be noted that 80-90% of all kelp comes from China as it is mostly found in the Pacific.


4. Kale

Kale is certainly one of the healthiest land vegetables that is packed with cancer-fighting antioxidants that protect your body and help you age as beautifully as possible.

Kale is an excellent source of Vitamin A, which promotes healthy vision and skin, and is packed with fiber for good digestion and a healthy digestive tract.

Kale is an excellent source of Vitamin C to keep you well equipped to fight off winter colds and recuperate from them.

One cup of raw kale actually contains more Vitamin C than 1 orange so always keep in mind this green vegetable when looking for good sources of Vitamin C.

Kale is also a great ally for lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease. This veggie is packed with minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, which most people lack in their diet and which can protect against Type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure and perform all sorts of cellular functions.


5. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a tropical fruit like no other. It’s so rich in antioxidants that it repels harmful free radicals that can damage cells, and lead to heart conditions and cancer.

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice is just as healthy as eating the raw fruit and anyone who’s ever tried to eat it raw knows it takes a while to pluck all the parts out of it. Peel this fruit and toss it into the blender, mix with other healthy fruits and veggies, and feed on what mother nature intended us to feed on.

In addition to preparation tips, we’d like to add that the antioxidants found in pomegranates can help fight off joint pain and symptoms of arthritis, as well as lower blood pressure and improve blood flow.

Last, but not least, pomegranate has been used for thousands of years and one of its obvious health benefits includes a possible natural treatment for erectile dysfunction, definitely making this fruit a superfood.


6. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are, without a doubt, some of the healthiest foods on the planet, and when we take into account that they involve no prep time and can be easily incorporated into one’s diet, nuts and seeds are some of the cleanest and simplest foods to consume.

Despite the fact that they contain loads of calories, nuts and seeds are also very filling and, as a result, can help you lose weight.

Various types of these foods are packed with different types of vitamins and minerals, and the bottom line is that they contain nutrients that most people aren’t getting enough of in their daily diet.

Take almonds, for instance. Almonds are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin E, and in turn do wonders for your metabolism.

Chia seeds come overflowing with magnesium, manganese, calcium and fiber, while coconuts contain important fatty acids. Toss nuts and seeds into your morning cereal, salad, baked goods or even lunch or dinner for added crunchiness and a higher nutritional value of your meal.


7. Oats

So simple and healthy, oats should absolutely be a part of everyone’s diet.

Whether you eat them every day or just a few times a week, oats contain such powerful fibers that your digestive tract will be singing merry tunes all day long.

Oats actually contain beta-glucans, which is a type of soluble fibre that reduces and slows down the absorption of carbs into the bloodstream.

As a result, blood sugar levels and insulin levels are always kept under control so the body isn’t overly storing fat.

Other benefits of eating oats include heart disease prevention, blood pressure regulation, energy production, reducing the risk of developing diabetes, and so on. You can toss oats into the morning cereal bowl, use them to make pancakes, add them to smoothies, fruit cups and even ice cream, so there is absolutely no excuse for not eating oats.


8. Quinoa

Quinoa is another superfood on our list as this whole grain is so rich in fiber and protein that it delivers numerous health benefits to those who consume it on a regular basis.

Quinoa cooks fast, and it can be tosses into soup, salad, a bowl of rice or pretty much any savory dish you make.

Quinoa is the perfect choice of food if you’re looking to lose weight as the combination of fiber and protein keeps you full for longer.

Rich in antioxidants, gluten free, and with a low glycemic index, quinoa will keep your weight in check as it defends you against free radicals that can age you prematurely.

Quinoa is rich in magnesium and it can boost your metabolism better than most other grains. We can keep going but from the looks of things quinoa should absolutely be on everyone’s menu even with the ‘few’ points we’ve already made.


9. Dark Chocolate

By far the most delicious food on this list, dark chocolate is made from the cocoa tree seed and it’s one of the healthiest foods mother nature has provided us with.

Rich in fiber and antioxidants, dark chocolate can regulate digestion and lower the risk of developing heart disease.

Other minerals that can be found in dark chocolate include iron, magnesium, manganese, and copper.

Needless to say, dark chocolate does contain sugar and should be consumed in moderation, but it doesn’t compare to the regular milk sugary chocolate.

In addition to regulating your cardiovascular system, dark chocolate can also improve brain function, particularly by improving cognitive function in elderly people. Mind you, good quality dark chocolate isn’t that easy to find. Your best bet is organic dark chocolate with 70%+ cocoa content.


10. Wild berries

Wild berries have made their way onto our list because they have higher antioxidant content than their cultivated counterparts and need zero chemical help to grow in the wild.

Wild blueberries are so rich in antioxidants that they can fight off inflammation and regulate insulin sensitivity.

Wild blueberries aren’t that difficult to find and are usually sold frozen at grocery stores because the season of fresh wild blueberries is very short.

Other wild berries are a little more difficult to come across in supermarkets but, hey, you can always go into the woods and pick them yourself! Known to be able to help with arthritis and diabetes symptoms, wild berries are some of the healthiest foods on the planet you can get your hands on.