10 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

August 17, 2019


So, you’ve been exercising like a maniac (at least for your standards), and you’ve been on every diet imaginable, and while you’re pondering upon what are you doing wrong, the pounds just keep on being stubborn? If you just can’t figure out where the problem lies, check out these 10 probable reasons why you’re not shedding any weight so you can change things and finally start seeing the results.

1. Overcompensating For Exercise

You’ve done your workout routine for the day and you’ve done it well, so you decide to treat yourself with something that you’re not really supposed to be eating while you’re trying to maintain a healthy diet. Well, don’t.

Many of us set a reward system for ourselves, thinking that we deserve it, and that we’ve already burned off a bunch of calories while exercising, and that’s exactly why those pounds just won’t shed.

By increasing your calorie intake to reward you workout sessions, or to “refuel” yourself, you’re only undoing all the hard work you’ve put into your workout. Also, you could be taking in more calories than you’ve worked off, which means that you’re going to out on more weight than you’ve lost.


2. Not Sleeping Right

We know that you’re schedule is probably crazy, especially if you have kids, and that the 24 hours in a day are just not enough to fit in everything, including exercise and sleeping.

However, if you cut back on your beauty sleep and spend that time on your workout session, the odds are that you’re probably going to do more damage to your body than good.

Not getting enough sleep will minimize the benefits of exercise. It can also lead to weight gain. How? By sleeping less than you should, you’re slowing down your metabolism, increasing your appetite and stress levels, and making yourself more tired (which affects workout performance and endurance).


3. Eating Too Little

Contrary to every belief you have about weight loss, eating too little is actually contra-productive to your plan.

We understand why you would think that eating way less will give you your desired results, however, eating less than your body needs will keep you from reaching those results even more.

The human body has a natural way of protecting itself when it’s not given an adequate amount of food, by instinctively and automatically going into starvation mode. While it’s in that mode, it slows the metabolism down and the body starts hoarding calories and fat so it can fuel itself in the future. Good luck with shedding those storage fats, because you will need it!


4. Eating Huge Portions

Have you thought about your portion sizes? If you’re you’ve been eating healthy, low fat meals but you’re still not noticing any weight loss, then it’s definitely time to think about just how much are you eating.

It’s quite possible that you’re eating double the amount that you think you are, just by overcompensating your reduced meal time with their portion sizes.

Remember, eating too much of anything can cause weight gain, even if you’re eating only healthy food. Just think about it: if you were to eat 10 pounds of the healthiest salads you can find a day, you’re still going to gain weight because your body doesn’t need that much food!


5. Drinking Too Much Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks are everyone’s problem. You could be eating only the finest, healthiest and perfectly portioned foods, but if you’re binging on sugary drinks and sodas on a daily basis, you won’t be seeing any results anytime soon.

Sugary drinks are jam-packed with calories, even more than some fast food meals. Also, alcohol causes the same effects, expect the getting drunk park.

Make sure that you don’t forget to cut down your smoothie, soft drinks, fruit drinks, and hot drinks intake. Every calorie counts when you’re trying to lose weight, so don’t forget to think about those nasty liquids as well!


6. Not Being Consistent

Extremes are never a good thing, especially when it comes to your diet regime. Eating basically nothing one day and then binging o everything in sight the next day will surely not bring you any closer to your desired weight loss.

The metabolism gets confused and it stops functioning properly, so you better treat it right from now on. The body is also designed in a way that flitting regularly between two extremes will only cause it to storage even more fat.

Try to maintain a same diet regime daily – even if it’s not the healthiest one. Start slowly incorporating more and more healthy nutrients and start cutting down on the unhealthy stuff, and you’re body will naturally finds its own way.


7. Doing The Same Exercise Routine In The Same Amounts

This pretty logical reason for your weight loss troubles gets overlooked often because no one really thinks it influences anything. News flash – it does.

If you’ve fallen into a rut with your workout routine you won’t see any pounds shedding your body anytime soon.

The body gets used to certain types of workouts pretty quickly, and when it does, the workouts just don’t have the same effect as they used to. You need to keep yourself and your body challenged constantly if you want to see any results.

Also, when you’re doing everything in the same manner, in the same amounts, you will get bored. You brain also needs stimulation so it can stay motivated, and being in a rut is no way to achieve anything, not even weight loss.


8. Thinking That Your Weight Is Equivalent To The Amount Of Your Body Fat

A set of scales will tell you your weight, however, the scales won’t tell you how much of that weight is fat, muscle, or water.

Being obsessed with your weight won’t tell you how much fat you have in your body, and getting rid of that fat should be your primary goal. Your weight is not by any means an accurate representation of fat loss.

Keep in mind that muscle gaining also slows down weight loss, and it can also cause fluid retention. The best way to keep track of your weight is by looking at your measurements and the fit of your clothes. You can also get your body fat and muscle amount measured with professionals.


9. Having A Medical Condition

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, and you’ve been doing everything right, but the weight and fat just keep on sticking, it may be time to see a doctor.

Now, we’re not trying to scare you, however, many medical conditions can cause weight gain and make it very difficult to lose those pounds. Some of those conditions are polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, food allergies and intolerances, etc.

Also, if you’re aware that you have a medical condition, have a talk with your doctor about the medication you’re taking. Sometimes certain medications have side effects which influence your weight gain and loss.


10. Not Needing To Lose Weight

Here’s a pretty good reason why you’re not seeing the changes on your body you want to be seeing.

As the world is obsessed with weight loss (and for a good reason too, since a lot of people suffer from obesity), it seems that everyone and their mother is trying to lose weight.

But have you thought that maybe, just maybe, you don’t need to lose any pounds? Instead of trying like crazy to have an unrealistic body type, you should ask yourself (and your doctor) whether you should be losing any weight at all especially when it comes to a medical reason of some sort.

Your body may be healthy just the way it is, and therefore, there’s no need for going through the rocky road of weight loss. If you’re eating healthy, exercising regularly as you can, and generally leading a well-balanced and healthy life, you should feel good about yourself and love yourself just the (healthy) way you are. But workout on that self-esteem, won’t you?